What Cottage Kids Is About
Our Cottage Kids ministry serves families by caring for children from toddlers through sixth grade during the Sunday worship service.
The Nursery serves newborns through age 3. There is a room for mothers with infants in the back of the Chapel. Here, the service can be seen and heard. It is equipped with a changing table and a private place for nursing moms.
Kid’s Church includes the PreK-1st Grade Class and the 2-6th Grade Class.
Kid’s Church meets during the whole worship service. We utilize Bible teaching and application to young lives, games, singing, crafts, videos … all kinds of tools that help convey God’s Truth to young lives.
A comfortable, private room for mother’s with infants is available. From the Newborn Room, the service can be seen and heard.
All of our children’s volunteers are screened through a State and Federal CORI check. The volunteer teams typically serve once each month.