“Cultivating a body equipped with the Word
and empowered by prayer
to make disciples that change the world.”
A praying church is seen when God sets church priorities in 1 Timothy and is modeled in the experience of the first churches. We’ve been challenged by the example of Brooklyn Tabernacle and try to wrap all we do around prayer. We can do all we want - using all our wisdom and experience - but it’s only prayer that unleashes the power of the Holy Spirit to do what only God can do.
Our Wednesday Prayer Service is more than “just another service.” The time of worship, prayer, testimony and sharing God’s Word joins our hearts and lives and positions us to see what God can do.
We care for children as soon as they’re born! A mother’s room allows new moms a place to view service while caring for their newborn. Our infant and toddler nurseries provide a fun, safe place for little ones Sundays.
Kid’s Church provides age relevant lessons and activity for children PreK-6th Grade. .
Wednesday nights the teens meet in the Youth Room to connect, share, learn, discuss and grow as they personalize their faith and reach out to their peers.
The Youth Group takes advantage of Snow Camp and Summer Camp at Word of Life in upstate New York. These times away provide teens a powerful time of being away to focus on the life Jesus offers them.
Various Bible classes, Home Bible Fellowships, One-on-One discipling are part of our strategy to equip adults to serve those around them.
The Church partners with the Springfield Rescue Mission, Christina’s House, Route One volunteering in their ministries.
We also partner internationally with those overseas.
As important as it is to minister to different ages and life stages, it’s important for the whole Church Body to be together.
Every Sunday breakfast is offered before service and lunch afterwards. It’s an important time for those newer to Cottage Hill to be made welcome and to develop relationships with those in the Church family. Conversations may begin on the surface but move to things of substance as they continue.
Every few months we enjoy a theme dinner together.
road to recovery
A number of people in the Cottage Hill family have recovery as part of their story. Those battling substance abuse will feel welcome and at home here.
Road to Recovery is a weekly meeting of those battling substance abuse. It is open to anyone in recovery no matter how early or how long they have been clean and sober. R2R is led by Dave & Jess Baker; a couple with over 10 years of sobriety. The group works through the 12 Steps in the Life Recovery Bible. A copy of this is available for those attending to use.
Road to Recovery meets Thursdays from 6-7 pm. Contact the Church Office to learn more or to ask for Dave or Jess to contact you.
Check out a video about the Life Recovery Bible here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-H-1Ubml4C0